Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Icelandic National League of North America Reads!

The Icelandic League of North America ( is interested in all things Icelandic. This blog is narrowing that focus, by looking for the book (fiction or non-fiction) that will be the initial work in our INL Reads project.

We are currently seeking nominations for the first book that we will read on a "continent-wide" basis. What work that focuses on the Icelandic experience, either in North America or in Iceland, would you nominate for our first read?

Help us understand why your nomination should be the literary work that we should all read. Does it describe a quintessential Icelandic experience? Is it rooted in the Icelandic psyche? Did you find a closer connection to "Icelandic-ness" by reading it? Did it uncover aspects of being Icelandic that you never understood before? Is it about the Icelandic experience in Iceland, or in other lands? Why does this work, above all others, need to be read and discussed?

Post your answers here and as the discussion continues, we will find the work that everyone will be talking about in 2011.

You only have a few months to consider a choice for submission. The work that will be read and discussed amongst the Icelandic community in North America will be announced at the annual Icelandic League of North America convention in Edmonton, Alberta on April 29, 2011.

Don't hesitate to give us the title we will all read!